

挪亞兒子列表[ | ]

  • , 南方人祖先 (主要為埃及人及阿拉伯半島居民)
  • ,中土居民祖先。 (主要為美索不達米亞居民)
  • 雅弗,北方人祖先。(主要為黑海小亞細亞居民)


第一世代[ | ]


父親 名字 其它記載中的名字 人種 有關現代地區 最早已知記錄
雅弗Japheth 歌篾Gomer Gimirru (in 阿卡德Akkadian) Cimmerians 烏克蘭Northern Ukraine 714 BC
雅弗Japheth 瑪各Magog (嚴重爭議) n/a n/a
雅弗Japheth 瑪代Madai Amadai, Madai (in Assyrian) 米底人Medes 庫爾德斯坦Kurdistan 844 BC
雅弗Japheth 雅完Javan Ionians (in Classical Greek) 地中海的海島居民 東地中海 700 BC
雅弗Japheth 土巴Tubal Tabal/Tubal/Jabal/Jubal 盧威人(已消亡)Luwian tribes 小亞細亞南部 9th

Century BC (亞述語Assyrian及盧威語Luwian文獻)

雅弗Japheth 米設Meshech Mushku (in Akkadian) 佛里吉亞人Phrygians 中小亞細亞北部 c. 1200 BC
雅弗Japheth 提拉Tiras Tursh/Tyrsenoi 海民的一支,也許色雷斯人Thracians 保加利亞Bulgaria
含Ham 古實Cush Kush 努比亞人Nubians 蘇丹Sudan 1600 BC (埃及Egypt)
含Ham 麥西Mizraim Misr 上埃及Upper Egypt與下埃及Lower Egypt (字面釋譯為「二地」) 埃及Egypt
含Ham Phut Pitu (in Egyptian) 利比亞人Libyans (historically composed of two intermixed tribes - Lebu and Pitu) (a minority have proposed connections with either the Land of Punt, or Phoenicia) 利比亞Libya
含Ham 迦南Canaan Knaani, Kah-nah-ni 迦南人Canaanites 以色列Israel、巴勒斯坦Palestine與黎巴嫰Lebanon
閃Shem 以攔Elam Haltamti (in Elamite) 埃蘭人Elamites 胡齊斯坦省Khuzistan 2300 BC
閃Shem 亞述Asshur Ashshur 亞述人Assyrians 美索不達米亞Northern Mesopotamia 2200 BC
閃Shem 亞法撒Arphaxad Ara Kesed (in other ancient Hebrew records) 加喜特人Kassites 美索不達米亞Southern Mesopotamia (Ara Kasid or Ur Kasdim translates as Ur of the Chaldees)
閃Shem 路德Lud Luddu (in Assyrian) 呂底亞人Lydians 小亞細亞西岸West coastal Anatolia 700BC
閃Shem 亞蘭Aram Aramu (in Assyrian) 亞蘭人Aramaeans 敍利亞Syria 14th Century BC (el-Amarna letters)

第二世代[ | ]

The identification of several of the first generation is aided by the inclusion of the second, although several of their identifications are less certain. (The copy of the table in Chronicles has occasional variations in the second generation, most likely caused by the similarity of Hebrew letters such as R and D):

父親 名字 其它記載中的名字 人種 有關現代地區 Associated area of father
歌篾Gomer 亞實基拿Ashkenaz Ashkuza (in Assyrian) 西徐亞人 (Scythians,self-identified as Ishkuz) 南烏克蘭 北烏克蘭
歌篾Gomer 利法Riphath (Chronicles has Diphath) Paphlagonians (their main river was the Rhebas) 黑海東岸 North Ukraine
歌篾Gomer 陀迦瑪Togarmah Toka-Arma Ancient Armenians (Toka-Arma translates as Tribe of Arma) 高加索South Caucasus (Urartu not modern Armenia) North Ukraine
雅完Javan 以利沙Elishah People of Elis or of Ellis (not the Hellenes in general) 西北伯羅奔尼撒Northwestern Peloponnesos (if Elis) or Phthia (if Ellis) Eastern Mediterranean islands
雅完Javan 他施Tarshish (Chronicles has Tarshishah) Ancient Sicilians (whose capital was Tarsus) 西西里Sicily Eastern Mediterranean islands
雅完Javan 基提Kittim Ancient Cypriots (whose capital was Kitius) 塞浦路斯Cyprus Eastern Mediterranean islands
雅完Javan 多單Dodanim (Chronicles has Rodanim) People of the city-state of Rhodes 羅得島Rhodes Eastern Mediterranean islands
古實Cush 西巴Seba 塞巴人Sabaeans 也門Southern Yemen/Coastal Eritrea 蘇丹Sudan
古實Cush 哈腓拉Havilah Huwaila and Kwahlans Northwest Yemen Sudan
古實Cush 撒弗他Sabtah Saubatha Hadhramis (their ancient capital being Saubatha) 也門East Yemen Sudan
古實Cush 拉瑪Raamah Rhammanitae (their capital being Regmah) 阿曼Southern Oman Sudan
古實Cush 底但Dedan People from Dedan (now called El-Ula) Eastern Yemen Sudan
古實Cush 撒弗提迦Sabtechah Sabaiticum Ostium Sabaeans living around a specific harbour (Sabtechha literally translates as Sabaean mouth) 埃塞俄比亞Ethiopia岸邊 Sudan
麥西Mizraim 路低人Ludim Lebu (Ludim is usually considered a typographic error for Lubim, a reference to the Lebu) 利比亞Libya Egypt
麥西Mizraim 亞拿米人Anamim Anami (in Assyrian) Berber tribes of Cyrene (according to the Assyrian inscription) 西利比亞Libya Egypt
麥西Mizraim 利哈比人Lehabim (unknown) Egypt
麥西Mizraim 拿弗士希人Naphtuhim Na-Ptah Memphites (Memphis is the Greek name of Noph, a corruption of Na-Ptah) 孟斐斯Memphis 埃及Egypt
麥西Mizraim 帕斯魯細人Pathrusim Pa-To-Ris (in Egyptian) (Egyptian) Thebians (Pa-To-Ris translates from Egyptian, as southerners) 底比斯Thebes Egypt
麥西Mizraim Casluhim (from whom came the Philistim) (unknown) 埃及Egypt
麥西Mizraim 迦斐託人Caphtorim Keftiu (in Egyptian) People from Caphtor 克里特Crete, 塞浦路斯Cyprus, or both 埃及Egypt
迦南Canaan 西頓Zidon (Chronicles has Sidon) Phoenicians from Sidon (frequently their capital) 黎巴嫩Central Lebanon 以色列Israel/巴勒斯坦Palestine
迦南Canaan 赫Heth Biblical Hittites (Hattians或赫梯人Hittites but not both) 敘利亞Syria (if 赫梯Hittites) or 東中安納托利亞East central Anatolia (if Hattians) 以色列Israel/巴勒斯坦Palestine
迦南Canaan 耶布斯人Jebusites Denizens of 耶路撒冷Jerusalem (formerly named Jebus) Central Israel/Palestine Israel/Palestine
迦南Canaan 亞摩利人Amorites Amurru (in 阿卡德人Akkadian) 阿摩利人Amorites 約旦Jordan 以色列Israel/巴勒斯坦Palestine
迦南Canaan 革迦撒人Girgasites (unknown people of north eastern Canaan) Northeastern Palestine/Israel Israel/Palestine
迦南Canaan 希未人Hivites (unknown people of northern Canaan) Northern Israel/Palestine Israel/Palestine
迦南Canaan 亞基人Arkites 來自Arca的腓利基人Phoenicians 敍利亞南岸 Israel/Palestine
迦南Canaan 西尼人Sinites 來自Sinai的腓利基人Phoenicians 西奈山 Israel/Palestine
迦南Canaan 亞瓦底人Arvadites Arados (in Greek) 來自Arvad的腓利基人Phoenicians(now named Ruad) Central coastal Syria Israel/Palestine
迦南Canaan 洗瑪利人Zemarites 來自Sumer的腓利基人Phoenicians (referred to as Simyra under the Phoenicians) Israel/Palestine
迦南Canaan 哈馬人Hamathites Hemath 亞述人Assyrians from Hemath (now named Hamah) Israel/Palestine
亞蘭Aram 烏斯Uz (somewhere north east of Canaan (and thus possibly south west Jordan), also where Job is placed, but otherwise unidentified) 敍利亞Syria
亞蘭Aram 戶勒Hul People from Huleh 加利利Galilee湖北 敍利亞Syria
亞蘭Aram 基帖Gether A tribe settled south of 大馬士革Damascas 敍利亞Syria 敍利亞Syria
亞蘭Aram 瑪施Mash (Chronicles has Meschech) Mashu (in Akkadian) or E-Mash-Mash, or both Phoenicians (if the Mashu, most likely a reference to the Lebanon and Anti-Lebanon mountains) or people from 尼尼微Ninevah (if E-Mash-Mash, the main temple at Ninevah) Lebanon (if Mashu) or northern Iraq (if E-Mash-Mash) Syria

The Shibboleth-like division amongst the Sabaeans into Sheba and Seba is acknowledged elsewhere, for example in Psalm 72, leading scholars to suspect that this is not a mistaken duplication of the same name, but a genuine historical division. The significance of this division is not yet completely understood, though it may simply reflect which side of the sea each was on.

In a rare descriptive section, the table also identifies Nimrod as a son of Cush, a mighty hunter before God, and the founder of ancient Babel, Akkad, Sumer, and possibly cities in Assyria. The Hebrew wording of this passage (Genesis 10:11) has led to some confusion with the position of Asshur the son of Shem.

Arpaxad's family[ | ]

The table proceeds to list a genealogy from Arpaxad to a man named Eber and his sons, who is implicitly indicated as the eponymous ancestor of the Hebrews:

  • Arpaxad
    • Salah
      • Eber
        • Peleg
        • Joktan

Of these names, Salah is usually considered to be completely unidentified, Joktan is generally identified with Jectan, an ancient town near Mecca, and Peleg is generally connected to Phalgu, an ancient town located where the Euphrates and Chaboras meet. In the table, it is said that the earth was divided in the days of Peleg, often considered a reference to the incident involving the Tower of Babel. Peleg is later indicated to be a distant ancestor of Abraham.

The sons of Joktan[ | ]

The table ends by listing the sons of Joktan:

Name Usual tribal identification Associated modern area Comments
Almodad al-Morad Yemen (at an imprecise location)
Sheleph Salif Northwest Yemen The capital of the Salif was Sulaf
Hazarmaveth Hadhramaut East Yemen Hadhramaut
Jerah Jerakon Kome South central Yemen
Hadoram Haroram Central Ethiopia Hurarina, deriving from Haroram, has become the name of a form of fruit tree exclusive to the area
Uzal Azalla Central west Yemen Azal is the ancient name of San'a
Diklah Diklath Iraq It is unclear precisely where in Iraq the Diklath were based, though the name of one of its major rivers, the Tigris, is the Greek transliteration of Diklath

Obal Abil Central west yemen The Abil are, according to ancient inscriptions, placed west of the Azalla
Abimael (unknown) (unidentified) Though Abimael is unidentified as a tribe it has traditionally been considered to be a northern Arabian group
Sheba Sabaeans Southern Yemen/Coastal Eritrea
Ophir Afir Southwest Yemen Ancient inscriptions place them between the Huwailah and Sabaeans (roughly where Ma'afir is now)
Havilah Huwailah and Kwahlans Northwest Yemen
Jobab Labibi Southwest Saudi Arabia Their capital was Juhaibab, which ancient inscriptions locate near Mecca